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    Creating New Membership Templates


    Membership templates serve to simplify and organise membership administration. Therefore, creating new membership templates you want to sell should be among the first steps when setting up the GYMIFY system. You should do so right after completing the General Settings of the Fitness Centre and, if possible, before registering the first client.

    The GYMIFY system distinguishes three types of memberships:

    • Seasonal membership - e.g., month, six-month, year
    • Entry membership - e.g., for 10 entries or 20 entries for students
    • Credit membership - e.g., 40EUR for products or 100 minutes for solarium.

    The templates are based on one of the three types and can be used for specific functions. Clients can have either only one membership or multiple memberships, depending on the selected services. For instance, the client can have a Monthly membership for the fitness centre and a 10-entry membership for the sauna.

    To create a new membership template, go to the menu on the left side and choose the section Administration -> Memberships. Next, click the Add a Membership Template button, which allows you to create new templates. It contains only three simple steps, and it is easy to navigate.

    Creating a new membership template

    We recomment you to always entre the Real price of the membership, even if you do not use the warehouse management function or statistics. In the case you decide to upgrade your subscription later, the information will be useful for creating statistics on sales of memberships.

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    Finally, the template allows you to link the membership with a locker, meaning that a locker will be automatically assigned when the client checks in.

    Synchronisation and connection to lockers

    When creating a company membership, click on Limit to Single Check-ins to allow multiple check-ins. This step cancels out the double check-ins when arriving and leaving the gym.

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    After creating the templates, you can start charging them to your clients. For further changes, you can easily edit the existing templates. This action will not affect the already active memberships.

    Membership Rules

    Membership rules are a valuable extension to the types of memberships. They can vastly improve your fitness centre. For instance, they can help you to avoid overcrowded or empty gyms. Using membership rules, you can change prices according to the following:

    1. The training duration
    2. The period (parts of the day) when clients arrive
    Creating membership rules

    When creating the rule, you can activate it for all the selected membership templates or add the rule to individual templates. Afterwards, you can change or set a completely new entrance fee. The rules activate automatically in the selected period.

    We recommend testing the rules on individual clients or in the trial version. Should you have any questions, write to GYMIFY support.

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