Home / Public Profile on the GYMIFY App

Public Profile on the GYMIFY App


Clients using the GYMIFY App for check-ins can create their public profiles in the app. They can share their name, profile picture, and, if interested, their social media sites. In addition, clients can communicate with each other, and so meet other members of the fitness centre. This function leads to the creation of a community that is connected virtually, even outside your gym.

Public profiles are also available at the webpage https://client.gymify.app or on the GYMIFY App, which can be downloaded on Google Play or App Store.

Quick TIP!

Clients can see the public profiles:

  • On the main page, after creating their profile and logging into the app
  • When they sign up for an event in the booking system, they can see the public profiles of other clients signed up for the event.

Clients can also access all public profiles of all your clients in the gym.

For the client to see other profiles on the main page or in the booking system, they must have their own profile. It works for mutual benefit, which is accessible only to clients who shared their public profile.

Quick TIP!

Create a more user-friendly environment by informing your clients about the possibility of creating public profiles.
