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    Editing and Cancelling Events


    The existing events can be edited, but these changes cannot affect the client registration settings. Therefore, the system will not allow you to change these parameters when editing. Additionally, if you decide to make changes to existing reservations, you should consider contacting the registered clients and informing them about the changes.

    You can contact your clients by email or SMS message in GYMIFY by going to the management icon in the details of the event in the calendar.

    Quick TIP!

    You can make changes in the calendar using bulk edits. By choosing one or more events in the calendar, you can:

    • Delete events in bulk,
    • Cancel events in bulk,
    • Share/Hide events in bulk.

    If you want to delete multiple or just one event, the system will not allow you to delete events with registered clients. Such events can only be cancelled; the clients will be alerted to the change and signed out. Afterwards, the event will still be visible as Cancelled in the booking system but will no longer be available for registration. Then, you can delete the event; however, we recommend leaving the cancelled event in the calendar to avoid any misunderstandings with the clients.

    You can make changes to reservations in the booking system, whether they are shared or hidden from the clients. However, it is better to hide the event when making any necessary changes and then share it with the clients and open it for registration.
