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    Introducing the GYMIFY software


    After completing the registration to GYMIFY, you gain access to your Owner Account. You will receive a welcome email through which you can set a new password and log in to your account for the first time. If you are already launching the system, it automatically displays the contract with the agreed terms and enables online signature. After approving the contract, the owner and the staff can access the system depending on the selected subscription.

    First Steps

    After logging in for the first time, you should explore the system and familiarise yourself with its functions. The system cannot provide all the instructions for all the individual functions. First, you should get acquainted with the functions concerning clients, memberships, and the main page, which all automatically offer essential information.

    After exploring the system, you should:

    • Create the most used reservation templates
    • Register your first clients
    • Set the preferences and the public profile of your fitness centre

    After completing the basic settings and client registration, you should familiarise yourself with more complex functions concerning clients, which are described in the article Clients. No matter the selected subscription, all the fitness centres can be promoted and shared on the GYMIFY website, where they can have their subsite, be shown on our map, and share information on the main page with their clients. You can access all the fitness centres using GYMIFY here!

    Read the article Navigating the Main Page, for more information on the functions of the main page. When you are using a more advanced subscription, you have to get acquainted with more functions, such as:

    After familiarising yourself with the advanced functions, you can connect GYMIFY to third-party services, such as remote door lock access, Dotypos POS system, or Stripe Payment Gateway, which enables online payments to your account.

    We recommend you read the information on client and memberships registration. The system provides quick access to help, which displays all the available articles concerning the selected funciton, and you can find this always on the bottom right corner, so you can easily access help should you encounter any problems.

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